Wednesday, September 14, 2011



  1. The top middle and the top right packages are my choices. I like the top middle one for its design and relevance to the background of the company. The top right package is nice for the pattern on the bottom of the package. If you could somehow incorporate that pattern onto the top middle box, I think that would be cool. Now that I look at it, though, the top middle design looks nice the way it is, the pattern might complicate it too much. Good stuff.

  2. Henry,

    I love Jarritos! I like the top middle and the bottom right! Those two really stand out to me. Maybe you can explore other materials for creating the carrier. Since the carton might cover most of the bottle in the carrier maybe you can create a nice label at the neck of the bottle. Check out if you need more inspiration. Pretty good site.

  3. I agree with both Eddie and Christine. The top middle has the most interesting design and doesn't really cover most of the bottles. I also like the pattern on the top most right carrier on the bottom of the box. If it'll make the carrier too busy, maybe try incorporating it on your label design for the bottles.

  4. I liked the 3rd box container, it looks stronger than the others. The graphics are simple and follow the theme of the bottles. I also liked the second one but I'm not sure about the handle, it looks awkward, or maybe its just the drawing of it, but overall great package concepts, can't wait to see it.

  5. Great, detailed sketches!
    I like the top middle design, but I'm not sure if the shorter box will be sturdy enough to support the taller bottles? Maybe if there are dimples inside the box that accomodates individual bottles, sort of like an egg carton? Hope you understand what I mean :)
    I love the handles and patterns on the bottom of the top right design. They seem to represent the brand and culture very well. However, since a few people have commented on not being able to see the bottles inside, maybe you can do a die-cut on 1 or 2 sides.

  6. Really good design for all the packaging and the one i believe go with the brand is the top middle. but i like the texture and design of the box and the top right concept.

  7. I really like the one in the middle of the bottom row. Really nice carrier! I think that there isn't much room to design on that though. So your bottles should look well designed if you do use that carrier.. something that looks unified though..

  8. I tried saying something I must have wrote ten things for you that didn't send when I was at school today.. The internet there sucks!
    Ryan Kotzin

  9. The top right box design with the rope handles is cool! It's got a cultural feel. What would the material be? It makes me think its going to be heavy for some reason.
